Multidisciplinary Designer

Queen The Illustrated Lyrics



Design something that will make us jealous of the way you think.


At the beginning of 2012 when this brief was delivered, one of the things I noticed about eBooks is that there weren’t many creative or artists ebooks available yet.

Through inspiration from one of my favourite visual books ‘The Beatles Illustrated lyrics’ I decided to design my own artists eBook using one of my favourite bands ‘Queen’ and bring artists books in to the 21st century.


The iBook is a fully functional book you can download and open in iBooks. The pages are complete with song lyrics, typographic and pictorial illustrations as well as the music video to each song.

With the collaboration of print and digital, all design elements were first created traditionally using screen print and letterpress for the typography and hand drawn illustrations for imagery. These were then developed in to an ebook to make ‘Queen The Illustrated Lyrics’.
